March 15, 2004

The Sordid Depths of Blurb Quoting

As widely reported by almost everybody on the lit blog scene, authors have finally revealed that the blurb-quoting culture is one big circlejerk. "We really don't get enough sex in our lives. We're too busy writing, hoping to sell our books," said one bestselling author, who refused to reveal his name. "But I know it gives me a thrill to stroke my peers. And we're not just talking egos. Who needs to read a book when you can fantasize about an author?"

While the connection between authors and relentlessly cheery blurbs is nothing new, the connection between blurbs and the upsurge in sex (literal or imagined) has now come very close to addressing a long standing problem: namely, the lonely lives of writers which often go unobserved.

If the authors are pretending to read these books, hiding behind the modifier of "unreadable," then I also suggest that readers are also pretending. In fact, chances are that nobody is reading these books at all, save only the irrecoverably dedicated or others of unsound mind. It is also likely that these book buyers and galley collectors are buying these books and stocking them away for a nuclear winter.

Furthermore, there is lots of sex going on, until now unmentioned, possibly with the blurbs written immediately after orgasm and cleanup.

This pretending has reached such a disgusting level of influence that the time has come to demand a chart which compares the timing and number of orgasms a writer has per year, against the timing and number of positive blurbs a writer gives to the world per annum. Are these writers really reading? Or are they reading these books while having sex? Or are these books a replacement for sex? Is finishing a book akin to a postcoital rush of relief that leaves the blurb quoter in a delicate, relaxed and unqualified position to write a blurb?

A shareware developer has tried to take advantage of this intricate problem by marketing BlurbMe 2.5 specifically to A-list writers. The application is available for Windows, Mac and Linux, and will generate a positive blurb in 9 seconds. Or roughly the amount of time it takes to peel off a Lifestyles. Here are some BlurbMe examples:

"Fascinating, compelling. I felt the urge to walk the dog."
"Compelling, fasciating, a riveting read. I'll walk the dog."
"Compellingly fascinating and riveting. I felt the urge to walk the dog in a compelling way. Great read."

Sven Gorgias, the developer and programmer of BlurbMe, reports that he hopes to expand the limited adjectives in future versions. Since Mr. Gorgias is an animal lover and walking his dog is his only respite from staring at code all day, he has tried to rid the database of references to his constitutionals.

But in light of the depravities unearthed by the Telegraph, Mr. Gorgias now knows that his work is going to be trickier than he thought.

Posted by DrMabuse at March 15, 2004 10:45 AM

I would comment on this marvelous post but I feel the urge to walk the dog.

Posted by: TEV at March 15, 2004 04:56 PM

I feel the urge to walk the dog too. Unfortunately I don't have one...

Posted by: James Russell at March 16, 2004 12:48 AM