August 09, 2004

Instapundit Ballad

I snapped it with my camera, but didn't cite the source
And so my facts are proven. I'm right, you're wrong. Of course!
I'm the king of all the bloggers. I'm the lord of your remorse
You didn't dig the dirt, my bitch. Matt Drudge will be my horse.

That Kerry liar's a Commie, he fudged a minor fact
Politicians should be truthful, or show a little tact
I can post more column-inches. I can have some more impact
Then the Post, the Times, the WSJ, even if I don't retract

You can call it speculation. You can call me Ego One.
But I've got a Canon camera. 'Cause the terrorists have won.
It's a time for being fearful. Let the rage flow over the sun.
I'm a humorless libertarian. When the government's gone, I'm done.

Posted by TonyClifton at August 9, 2004 01:21 PM