Okay, folks, bear with us. Lots of changes and developments.
First off, we apologize for the temporary generic template. We’ve shifted over to WordPress and we’ve been trying to get the RSS stuff tweaked. By the end of the week, we’ll get things squared away.
We’re also working on getting everything more compatible for you iTunes listeners. First off, after repeated attempts, we’ve succeeded in getting The Bat Segundo Show listed in iTunes. You can also search for any of the authors we interviewed during Shows #12-18 and it should show up.
And for those of you who eschew iTunes or are having problems with the Feedburner feed, we’re pleased to announce that an Odeo channel is now available.
So you now have several syndication options to choose from while we tweak a few things.
The second major piece of news is that the LBC podcasts have begun. The first, featuring Ander Monson, can be found here. These podcasts will be edited into later Segundo-specific shows (with Segundo-specific introductions). But for now, enjoy the slightly more professional Edward Champion as host/introducer.