But A Full-Scale Nervous Breakdown, Complete with Men in White Suits, Would Really Make Laura Miller Do the Happy Dance!

Laura Miller: “One of the most interesting and newsworthy response I ever got was when I asked a novelist who’d just written (but not yet published) a memoir, ‘People often find that when they write about their past, the process dredges up old memories they’d entirely forgotten. Was there anything like that with this book that really surprised you?’ He told me he’d remembered being molested by one of his parents’ friends as a child!”


  1. Oh, dear. I was googling my name, and this happens to be my maiden name, Laura Miller…

    I’m an English professor and book review editor, which means I don’t actually write the reviews, but I assign and edit them. Of course my name isn’t Miller anymore either.

    But. I hate that she’s out there mucking up my (old) name. Gah.

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