Gina Frangello & Kassia Kroszer (BSS #38)


Authors: Kassia Kroszer and Gina Frangello

Condition of Mr. Segundo: Still in the desert, deferring to Mr. Bonasera.

Subjects Discussed: Margaret Atwood, violence, Freud’s “Dora” study, Jane Smiley’s A Thousand Acres, psychoanalytical theories in the 90s, Erica Jong’s Fear of Flying, unreliable narrators, epigraphs, the presence of current events, hysteria, Ayn Rand, the influence of Kathy Acker, the “viciousness” of the sexuality, the influence of contemporary music, Nine Inch Nails, writing about Chicago in Amsterdam, shopping the book around, and chick lit vs. edgy fiction.

[INTERVIEW NOTES: The interviews were all conducted by telephone.]

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