Believe It Or Not, There Are More Podcasts Coming

In case the recent slate of podcasts wasn’t enough for you, there are still a good deal of podcasts to come very soon, including coverage of Alternative Press Expo (which includes an audio intervention with a bunch of people from the CW Television Network), an author who returns for a second appearance (and this interview is crazier than the first), and, of course, Carolyn’s interview with LBC Read This! author Alan DeNiro. Stay tuned!


  1. Yep, the podcasts should continue. But if you happen to wind up at the BEA at month’s end…just keep your nostrils to the wind and steer clear of the foul aroma that prefigures the presence of Robby Benson. Yes, the guaranteed antidote to Seventies nostalgia, and director of all the “Friends” episodes that contributed most to the demolition of the “art” of the sitcom, has a book out and will be promoting it there, according to BEA’s site. I’m rather surprised that the honchos at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution are not bringing that up every time a reporter calls them for comment on the book-editor fracas, by way of trying to justify their action.

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