Bringing New Meaning to “Working the Room”

Eric Splitznagel: “When I went on a nationwide bookstore tour last May (to promote my memoir, Fast Forward: Confessions of a Porn Screenwriter), it seemed that everybody with even a casual interest in adult films showed up for my readings. Some of them were crazy. Not just a little eccentric, mind you. Clinically insane. In San Francisco, a man handed me a business card with a picture of himself having sex with his girlfriend. (‘That’s me!’ He screamed, pointing at the photo.) In Chicago, a strange fellow asked if I’d ever written a porno about fruit before taking a banana out of his pants and eating it in front of me.”


  1. Hey, the dude with the banana must have followed Spitznagel to Chicago from Ann Arbor because that sounds like what happened at Shaman Drum in the home of the Wolverines.

    Haven’t finished the book yet but what I’ve read is pretty damn funny.

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