Fuck You, America

Right now, it looks like Bush has got it. There are no words to express my sorrow. There are no emotions left to expend. I have no faith in the commonweal. I watch as this nation crawls into an atavistic morass. And so the old Jefferson adage goes, we clearly deserve the government that we get. My heart aches for the future of this country. Not much there. Pass the bottle.


  1. As an Israeli, I know exactly how it feels to be fucked over by my own fellow citizens. You have my sympathies.

  2. Four more years of this douchebag and his evil henchmen? I’ve said it before: this country is like an alcoholic that hasn’t hit bottom.

  3. Comic Relief: Opus and Rodney Dangerfield

    My initial reaction to the despair of Kerry supporting lit bloggers was, I confess, a wry smile. There was a tinge of sadness that they were so upset, but I admit I felt a certain satisfaction that President Bush would…

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