Low SAT Scores — Rallying Point for Underachievers

Sample SAT scores from the elite:

The Rev. Bob Edgar: 730 (out of 1600)
Drea de Matteo: 800 (for the whole test)
Paul Wellstone: Well below 900
Career Center Specialist Robin Roth: 950
Amy Tan: Somewhere below 1,200
George W. Bush: 1,206
Al Gore: 1,355
Bill Bradley: 485 on verbal, and who knows on math?

As for me, well, the one time I took the SAT (the one time I could afford it, because as a teenager, I had to pay for it out of my own pocket), I figured back then I didn’t do very well. But at least I scored higher than George Bush and Amy Tan. What’s interesting, however, is that I did so-so on the verbal, but aced the math.


  1. When I took the GRE the first time, I did horrendously bad on the verbal portion (think I got a 550..!) while the math score was OK and analytical the best. Second time around, Verbal went up almost 100 points (and I kicked ass on Analytical. Math was still kinda eh.)

  2. to be fair, the tests have been recentered numerous times over the years. so while I’m not sure of the exact stats (and don’t feel like looking it up now) the 1450 I may have gotten when I took the test in 1995 would have been a few points lower- maybe around 1400– had I taken it instead in 1992.

    so actually, Bush did pretty well by today’s standards, to my surprise!

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