Way to go, Brian!
And, another good victory.
Bertrand Russell’s last essay: “There could be a happy world, where co-operation was more in evidence than competition, and monotonous work is done by machines, where what is lovely in nature is not destroyed to make room for hideous machines whose sole business is to kill, and where to promote joy is more respected than to produce mountains of corpses. Do not say this is impossible: it is not. It waits only for men to desire it more than the infliction of torture. There is an artist imprisoned in each one of us. Let him loose to spread joy everywhere. There is an artist imprisoned in each one of us. Let him loose to spread joy everywhere.” (via Wood S Lot)
Harvey Weinstein publishes a satirical book about Miramax: “Contrary to popular belief, we do have a sense of humor about ourselves.” Yeah, right. (via Maud)