More Rupert

It was a great pleasure to meet all the fine folks who introduced themselves at the Rupert Thomson reading last night. I didn’t take notes and will leave all reports of what went down to others, but I met Zan, Monica (didn’t catch the name of your blog!), Dana, and the Martin Amis-obsessed Nick Antosca for the first time, as well as Maud, Levi, Lauren, Ami, Phil Campbell, Matt Cheney (now firmly ensconced in Jersey), and the always pleasurable Richard Grayson for the post-first time. (Apologies if I’m missing anyone!) Thanks also to Jessica Stockton for helping to organize the event.

As it so happens, Rupert Thomson and I hit it off. At the time of this writing, we are currently midway through the interview. Since I had so many questions, he was very kind to squeeze in a few more minutes to conclude the interview. So be prepared for a fun and highly detailed two-part Segundo interview, conducted over the course of two days, concerning many aspects of Rupert Thomson’s work.

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