NaDruWriNi Naught Five

Folks who read this blog last year know that I shamelessly participated in National Drunken Writing Night (aka “NaDruWriNi”), along with Gwenda Bond. The results here weren’t very lucid, and I became obsessed with bolding words. (In fact, Gwenda was far more compelling than I was.) But it was certainly the mark of bloggers who had had too much to drink. (In my case, I had recently broken up with a girlfriend and the results were, as the old song goes, sad and lonely. Read them if you dare.)

Well, this year, the hardest work man in blog business ain’t steering this baby, but Brittanie is. And on Saturday, November 5, 2005, I plan to write a good deal more incoherence while drinking. Tune into these pages that evening for more. I should note that my inhibitions lower rather quickly.


  1. BWI (Blogging While Intoxicated)

    UPDATED Oct. 27, 2005!— According to Technorati and my stat counter, NaDruWriNi is spreading like wildfire. After reading a few comments and forums about the event, I’d like to make a few notes:

    NaDruWriNi is NOT just for bloggers. As I orig…

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