1. http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/living/13582535.htm

    “Consider the Lobster: And Other Essays. David Foster Wallace. Read by the author. Time Warner. Four hours. Unabridged.”

    Four Hours? I think the Usage essay alone took me that long. Of course, if the reading skips the footnotes, I could see it.

    So how do footnotes in an audio book work? Does he read them as encountered? … at the end of the “root” sentence? … paragraph? …. section? …. esssay?

    and how do you do “Host” .. orginally a hypertext article on line, done badly in the book?

    Of course, I heard on icq that if you read Consider The Lobster while attending a Pink Floyd lazer show, it takes on even MORE meaning!!

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