Segundo Wreaks Havoc

Last night, I stayed in the hotel room rather than attend the party scene. But I understand that Bat Segundo, who flew in the plane with me, caused considerable trouble last night. Emails are coming in that Mr. Segundo was utterly rude to people and that he even started kissing and licking people and made horrible pronouncements and judgments. Had I known any of this, I would never have bought the plane ticket for Mr. Segundo, much less let him loose in any BEA festivities. We may have to rethink Mr. Segundo’s role in the grand scheme of things.

Strangely enough, it was Kevin Smokler was one of the few individuals to not only comprehend Mr. Segundo’s antics, but to actually get through to the troubled radio personality. Further, since we didn’t have the budget to hire a personal assistant, Carolyn Kellogg managed to trick Mr. Segundo and quell his ire through several drinks, as did the incomprable Megan Sullivan. I thank these individuals for doing their best to mollify Mr. Segundo’s abject temperament. Alas, with Mr. Segundo, it takes a junta to work miracles.

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