Setting Up the Store Again

Yes, we’re back, dammit. With a vengeance. Or at least enough unspent passion from last week to proffer some ball-busting posts (we hope). To close up shop on some minor issues:

  • Spider-Man 2 is, without a doubt, the finest superhero movie since Tim Burton’s Batman. If you haven’t seen the depressing Fahenheit 9/11 yet, you might want to try Spidey 2 afterwards as a chaser. It’s the kind of movie that not only restores your faith in Hollywood blockbusters, but rejuvenates your faith in humanity. It deserves every penny of the colossal receipts that it’s picked up so far.
  • I never thought I’d say this, but the latest issue of McSweeney’s is absolutely incredible. Apart from a stellar design and great paper, the issue is almost devoid of the irony-for-irony’s sake that’s become so nauseating to its detractors. And in fact, guest editor Chris Ware has included some solid underground artists amongst the major comic stars. Particular standouts include Ron Rege‘s “She Sometimes Switched,” a devastating story of a suicide bomber, Chris Ware’s touching “We’ll Sleep in My Own Room,” Richard McGuire’s frequently anthologized “ctrl,” a harrowing offering from Gilbert Hernandez (along with other Love and Rockets setpieces) on racism, and the gloriously juvenile offerings of Joe Matt. If I have any quibble, it’s the relentless plugs for Fantagraphics books. But then as Tom pointed out to me, if Fantagraphics did not exist, it would have to be invented. If you enjoy comics in any way, I highly recommend that you purchase it immediately.
  • Stephen King’s latest installment in the Dark Tower series, Song of Susannah (perfectly released for a long weekend of comfort reads), is mostly disappointing. But like any heroin addict, I’ll probably purchase the seventh one. One can only hope that King actually goes to the trouble of explaining details more clearly in the last volume.
  • Full-length reviews are in the works for The Coma (graciously sent by Penguin) and Aloft. More details to come.
  • I’m hopelessly behind on email. So bear with me the next week.
  • Terry has posted a goofy comparative index. We find ourselves torn between the two columns.
  • Sarah has an interview with Michael Connelly up.


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