The Intellectual Apocalypse, Case #4,172

The action begins at the four minute mark. Kevin James does not know basic history. It is stunning that such an ignorant moron would be permitted to host a radio show.


  1. Have you seen Mike Judge’s film IDIOCRACY? He depicts a future America populated by the descendants of Kevin James. (This guy has a radio show?? What does he do, yell incoherently for an hour?)

  2. “It is stunning that such an ignorant moron would be permitted to host a radio show.”

    Permitted? He’s got the job because he makes the station money.

    He’s a performing pig. I’d be stunned there are enough people who want to listen to him that he turns the station a profit, but I’d be faking it.

    And aren’t you just a little curious to hear what he says today on his local broadcast about his encounter with Matthews? I mean, just thirty seconds of it?

  3. what did he say on his radio program after that? i’m very curious. where can i go to get that audio?

  4. “It is stunning that such an ignorant moron would be permitted to host a radio show.”

    Have you ever subjected yourself to a sampling of Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh or any of their minor league clones? They’re all like Kevin James, or he is like them, if you prefer.

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