The Late Baby, Late Baby, Late Baby Roundup

  • Jeff Bryant takes me to task about my thoughts on the Typepad Virtual Book Tour. Contrary to our disagreement (and don’t worry: we’ve kissed and made up; it only took five comments, as well as several naughty haikus and illicit JPEGs sent by email), I think Jeff does raise some valid points. I have been in contact with Typepad and will collect all of my thoughts in a future post, which is better reasoned. Give me a few days to do the legwork.
  • I meant to mention it last month, but Matthew Tiffany has prepared a list of book-giveaway programs.
  • Oprah has done the impossible. She’s coaxed the notoriously interview-shy Cormac McCarthy into an interview by selecting The Road (!!!) for her book club. Personally, I wish she had chosen Against the Day, just to see how resolute Pynchon is in avoiding the human population. Perhaps they could have hired the creeps who made that documentary to lead the camera charge.
  • Tom Bissell on JSF. His review begins with a reverse homage to Dale Peck.
  • A letter to Anthony Powell from Kingsley Amis.
  • Tangerine Muumuu appear to have returned! For how long, who can say? But seven posts in five days is a good sign.
  • Even confined to six words, DBC Pierre cannot write. (via Scott)
  • Callie is seeking your answers on the author interview.
  • At the NBCC, Steve Weinberg is seeking help for his freelancing directory.
  • Rosenblum Productions, which owns the TV and movie rights to 1984, is not amused by all the YouTube/Obama shenanigans and are suggesting that Ridley Scott’s 1984 commercial is a derivative work. You know, I’ve read the Orwell book twice and I don’t recall a whole bunch of citizens sitting slackjawed in a public hall, nor do I recall Orwell writing about a jogger throwing a hammer into a screen. What are these folks going to do next? Sue anyone who uses the adjective “Orwellian?” (via TEV)
  • France LOVES LOVES LOVES Vikas Swarup. They want to read him. They want to kiss him. They want to do naughty French things to him.
  • The Diamondback‘s Clara Morris reveals Russell Banks’ amusing story on having to pick the greatest American novel in the past 25 years for Tanenhaus.
  • I’ve been meaning to write up my thoughts on The Host, which I saw several weeks ago with nice people. But in the meantime, don’t miss Anthony Lane’s take.
  • Bruce Sterling thinks blogs have ten years left to live. As soon as I get a chance, I’ll add a hand to the top of the right-hand column, where this blog will have lots of plastic surgery, proceed to have lots of sex, and do pretty much anything it wants. In ten years’ time, the orb in the middle of this hand will turning red. I will then gladly turn in this blog to the Sandmen, should the blog not attend Carousel. (via Locus)


  1. That’s not exactly what Serling said, and I listened to his speech, which I didn’t find very rewarding. Sterling said most blogs wouldn’t be around in ten years, not all blogs.

    I wouldn’t put much stock in Sterling’s prognostications. In the mid-90s, he and William Gibson predicted that most corporate presences on the internet would disappear. See the entertaining documentary No Maps For These Territories/

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