1. Blasphemy (Greek blaptein, “to injure”, and pheme, “reputation”) signifies etymologically gross irreverence towards any person or thing worthy of exalted esteem. In this broad sense the term is used by Bacon when in his “Advancement of Learning” he speaks of “blasphemy against learning”. St. Paul tells of being blasphemed (I Cor., iv, 13) and the Latin Vulgate employs the word blasphemare to designate abusive language directed either against a people at large (II Kings, xxi, 21; I Par., xx, 7) or against individuals (I Cor., x, 30; Tit., iii, 2).

  2. FYI. For those that are unclear on the scope of what it means to say something is “blasphemous.” No, no, Evhead. Not “Blast Famous.” “Blasphemous.”

  3. Sorry, I’ve lost my train of pants. I’ve REALLY got to stop posting to your weblog’s comment feature after I’ve had copious amnouts of sake and a sorrority’s worth of “Nubile Tequila Fannybangers.”

    Isn’t there a filter for this sort of thing?

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