Not What Ben Hecht Had in Mind

Media Dates: “You’ve stumbled across the right place if you want to meet someone special. Someone sparky and interesting, with shared interests and an insatiable craving for industry gossip; with an intimate understanding of impossible deadlines and a more than occasional need to work unsocial hours. In short, a Media Mate! So, don’t waste time: the sooner you create your personal profile, the sooner you’ll meet interesting new people – it’s absolutely free to register and browse.”

Hi, I’m Maureen! I’m 54, have red hair, and I don’t believe men are necessary these days. However, I’m willing to give them a second chance!

Likes: Shopping with Michi & Alessandra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (They’re single and looking TOO!!!!) Michi: BEST FRIEND FOREVER!

Pet peeves: George Bush, nuanced political arguments, Judy Miller, and those pesky copy editors who want to change my brilliant words. How dare they!

Seeking like-minded columnist for long walks on the beach, bitter polemics, and new nicknames for White House figures. Your pic gets mine!

(via Books Inq.)


  1. Ah, Ben. Father of Jenny Hecht, actress who OD’d on the Strip in ’71 and whose only film credit was directed by Russ Mayberry who helmed so many classic Magnum episodes later. That alone keeps Ben def.

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