1. Lived in Ohio for all 35 years of my life now. Terrible-Terrible-Terrible. The whole summer is about to be washed away by rain. There aren’t four seasons here there is one. Rain and Gray. Tired of people defending this shit state. I am finally out of here in September moving to Virginia and then either Florida or California. Youngstown is the worst place in the whole state. Crime, Corruption, NO JOBS and I have a Masters Degree. This place with suck the life out of a person.

  2. “Ohiohtr”, I have been to Kentucky once. Lets just say that I will never, ever go there again. I’ve never been to German Village but I imagine that it sucks as well. They probably get excited over fireworks because there is nothing else around Columbus..or Ohio for that matter..to get excited about. I read the weather reports today and the forecast is rain..RAIN..and MORE RAIN…for the next 7 days!!! Temperature will be in the 50’s!! WTF?? This is the middle of MAY. I’m really getting fed up and tired of this shit.

  3. my baby was born well over six months ago and she is still yet to experience any continual sunshine in her entire life. we just keep her inside while wondering if any of us will ever experience sunlight again. it’s been so so long I’m starting to forget what sunshine is like. in less than 6 months it will be snowing again. it rains so much that on the one day a week that it stops raining for a few hours, there is mud everywhere. every time I look at a 10 day forecast it says that every single one of the days except for maybe one of them it will rain more.

    is this some kind of nightmare?

  4. OHIO SUCKS , I’m leaving been here 4 years.. your lakes and rivers and streams are sooooo dirty and polluted YUK.. If you like watre don’t come here.

  5. OHIO SUCKS , I’m leaving, been here 4 years.. your lakes and rivers and streams are sooooo dirty and polluted YUK.. If you like water don’t come here. everything is about the ole mighty dollar, feel sorry for ppl. Yes their are better places and friendlier places to live, you heard its cheap to live here, you know the ole saying , YOU GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR… and whats with all the corn fields? you’ve ruined ohio..

  6. I came into your state Tuesday night. It was supposed to be a four month contract in a place called zanesville. The contract take was about 50 grand. It’s Friday afternoon and I’m back in philly getting ready to pay the OH company damages for breach so i can get out of your craphole and stay out. After 48 hours I started to feel depressed, anxiety, and an oppressive feeling of being incarcerated or some kind of confinement. I’m sorry but I thought Philly was bad. But we are nowhere near the crap state you live in. Had never been there in my life before and trust me I ain’t ever going back. Peace out, Big AL from Philly.

  7. I lived in Toledo, OH for 4 miserable years. The best thing that town has going for it is the Mud Hens. I wish they would leave that God-forsaken toilet bowl, so then it can just suck the way the citizens want it to suck!!! Everything posted on this board is true, OHIO IS CRAP!!! I’m so glad I moved away from there. The saving grace is that I did get on my feet there, after my breakup with the ex. My mom is moving away from there, and I’m so happy for her. She hates it as well. Toledo makes Cleveland and Detroit look livable. CLEVELAND AND DETROIT!!! That’s how bad Toledo is. My biggest problem with Ohio is the Ohioans!!! Cliquey, rude, pessimistic, miopic, narrowminded, racist bunch of fat trash!!! Don’t go there looking to make new friends. Don’t get me wrong, people can be assholes where ever…but the Toledoan is a special breed. I’ve never seen so many depressed and hateful people as Toledo has. Man, Toledo is a world by itself!!! I will never in life go back to Ohio!!! Now that Mom is leaving, I will never have to. I can visit her in a far more appealing place. So glad I’m out of that place. If I can leave, so can you all. Good luck, and see you all in civilization!!! FUCK OHIO!!! AND FUCK THE BUCKEYES AND THEIR STUPID FANS!!!

  8. And, when the sun does finally appear, there are stream after stream of CHEMTRAILS running in a grid-like fashion, which I have watched today. Earlier it was sunny and bright, then after the CHEMTRAILS showed up, they spread out over the sky and HAZED out what was left of the afternoon sun. Look up the movie–“What in the World are They Spraying?”

  9. I wanted to be very specific about something I saw there. I communicated this back to folks in Philly and they wouldn’t believe me. At the corner of a road called Maple Ave. and Northpointe Drive in zanesville there is a Starbucks coffee. At 8:20 AM ET on the morning of May 19th, I ordered a coffee drink and stood waiting for them to mix it. Seated at a nearby table were two white ladies mid-30’s holding each others hands with their eyes closed. At first, I thought, this is cool, must be a gay-friendly state. Couple of minutes later, I picked up my coffee and was going to leave, but they were still sitting there, and I got curious. I watched for a few minutes, here, they were praying at a table in a Starbucks for at least 5-7 minutes, entire time I was there. I kinda idled around until one of them finally picked her head up. She said to the other one, “I know he’ll find work and you’ll get out of here.” It was at that point that I got really weirded out about that place and began to put 2&2 together — this was somewhere you just did not want to be. If some places have a shine, like Stephen King says, this is one is all gloom and desperation.

  10. I moved to the Columbus area last year with great optimism and enthusiasm. I run a service/cleaning business and take college classes. My review is to be totally raw and relevant to what I’ve discovered Columbus/Ohio to be like, running my business all around the city and surrounding towns. OK here it goes:

    It was 2 weeks ago, I was performing my cleaning service at a restaurant near Ohio State University after 11PM. While I was setting up my equipment outside, there was at least three blast from either a 38 or 45 caliber handgun, echoing from two blocks away. I wasn’t sure what to do… pack up and take cover or just continue my business.

    Each day, I wake up with another cloudy day and very little sunshine. When the sun does shine, it usually only last for a few hours, then the gray clouds or rain take over once again. On the days when the sun is totally shinning, central Ohio looks like a horror flick, when all the pale/out of shape Ohio people decide to come out of their cheap suburb villages.

    Being a creative person, who enjoys cultural values, etc, I have found Columbus have very little creativity or culture. In fact, I went to the annual Asian Festival at Franklin Park downtown a few days ago with a great excitement to experience Asian festivities and such..Wow! it was nothing more than local Chinese restaurants with Hispanics, grilling up fatty US version Chinese food for the obese Ohioans. The festivities was nothing more than a flea market with an Asian twist and local white kids beating on drums. I was very disappointed!
    Occasionally, a pretty good band comes through town and performs. That is a plus!

    Columbus, Ohio predominantly consist of African Americans, Somalians, Midwestern Rednecks and Overweight/Snobby Suburbians. The African woman are arrogant, the white woman are snooty and very unattractive, the white men here are pricks, and the black dudes are actually the only ones somewhat cool.

    The roads are garbage! Literally! There is 6 inch potholes all over the city right on the interstates. There is garbage, roadkill, and pollution all over the city streets. It’s ridiculous! The only places that have better drivable roads are places like Dublin, Westerville, and Polaris.

    Crime is really bad here! My friend from school, works at a local Subway and got robbed at gunpoint a few weeks ago. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/may/11/east-side-subway-robbed-suspect-large-ar-484645/
    One of my customers, who lives in an outer suburb, informed me he and his car got carjacked a few months ago…

    People here try to be cool and make a mess out of it. You’ll see a suburbia couple come out with a few of their Columbus comrades, riding their Honda motorcycles trying to pose as bikers…it looks ridiculous.

    I enjoy running, riding my bicycle and eating healthy. My first few weeks here, I took my bike out for a ride and got some crazy stares, like I was an alien or something. I rode on some of the sidewalks and waited for the pedestrian light to come on..it came on I started to paddle, then some suburbia soccer mom and a vicious minivan would almost smash me as they was rushing into the fast food joint..

    Honestly, the only thing that Columbus has going for it is The Ohio State University and preexisting businesses.. You will see a ridiculous amount of beer guts with red OSU shirts all over the area (year around).

    There is not much to do here, unless you want to blow your money at shops and food places over Easton Town Center. The Short North Arts District is pretty neat. However, it’s only like .2 miles of attractions. You will not find much REAL natural attractions here. The bodies of water, etc are artificial and mostly a drain from the city sewage.
    You will not find a beach or anything like a beach within 9+ hours. I asked a guy if his family goes to any beaches during the summer and he said no, they go to a local small water park like he was proud of it or something.

    People here, especially in older neighborhoods/subs.. stay to themselves (unfriendly) and have a fetish for their lawns.. my neighbor hardly ever leaves her house, outside of work…when she’s at home all she does is pick and mess around in her little backyard..

    The accent is like that of Drew Carrey…high pitched and winy..
    Of course soda is called pop here…which sounds really gay… not a big deal.. i guess

    Customer service sucks here! You will find local workers at places like Wal-Mart, Meijers, Walgreens etc to be stand offish, lazy and occasionally rude.
    Speaking of laziness, this area is on the lazy side of life.. on a somewhat sunny day you will see a hefty person sitting in a camping chair watching the pavement..

    Winters here are over-welcomed and sometimes a pain in the ass…snow, ice, and really cold windy temps… I hate the cold…but can handle it at times… Winter last from Sept/October all the way through April and sometimes May is cold and rainy…There is hardly a day of sunshine during 7-8 months of the year…

    All and all, I have become more calyst as a human being and sometimes feel like a stick in the mud since I’ve lived in this area. I have honesty battled with depression and social issues since I’ve been around this area.. After my school next year, I am considering moving out West or something.. It really sucks here!

  11. Ok. This has been percolating in my system the last few days and I just have to let it out. This whole thing with the OSU football team and Jim Tressel is very illustrative of what I hate about Ohio (and probably the Midwest in general). I’ve lived most of my life in the Northeast, and lived for about eight years in Columbus. I can’t count how many times I’d heard about “Midwestern values”, or how Midwesterners were so much more “down to earth”, nicer, more honest, virtuous, “real ‘Murcans” etc. Basically, Ohioans are just so much more moral, Christian, etc. when compared to us awful, insidious, soul-less Northeasterners. Tressel was often touted as exhibit “A” in this argument. The humble demeanor; reading the Bible daily, the freakin’ sweater vest, for crying out loud. And, I have to say, while I’d lived in Columbus, I admired Tressel and even started to follow OSU football. In the end, though, Tressel turned out to be no better than any shiftless, two-bit con man running a Three-card Monty game. But at least most know the clown running the Three-card Monty table is a scam artist – he doesn’t do much to hide this fact from those willing to see it. Tressel, in his way, embodies just what I hated so much about Ohio: all the talk about God and values, blah, blah, blah, is just a big bunch of bullsh*t. Hey, Ohio, you’re no more virtuous than New York, New Jersey or California; and at least, in those places, nobody makes any pretenses about being “holier than thou.” Big bunch of fat, fu**king hypocrites!

    Secondly, the total lack of any moral compass – or abject stupidity – or both – displayed by OSU fans completely drives my point home. It was reported that the OSU journalism student who uncovered the whole scandal has received threats from irate fans. What? You should be thanking this kid for revealing what a lying hypocrite Tressel is. Right? I mean, you’re so much better than those cheating, lying coastal folk. But, in the end, all these in-bred morons care about is winning some college football games – no matter what. What happened to all that talk about College football being so much more “authentic” because the kids are playing for their schools, or honor or whatever the fu*k other half-assed lies they tell themselves. So much for all the bullsh*t talk about God and Country. I guess that only applies to those living on the coasts. Fu*k you Jim Tressel. Fu*k you OSU Football. I could give a rat’s ass about college football since I’ve moved back East, but if I do, it will be to root for the team playing against OSU. And lastly, Fu*k you again, Ohio, for showing me once more what a pathetic bunch of inbred, corn-pone motherfu*kers you really are.

  12. I stumbled upon this page and could not stop reading. I wad born and raised in Ohio and recently moved to Hawaii. I must say all of the comments on here are for the most part dead on, and unfortunately all the comments defending Ohio were from the typical uneducated idiots you speak of. Ill keep this short and sweet. The ONLY thing I miss about Ohio is my wonderful, honest, hardworking and caring family! They are definitely a rare breed!

  13. Out of all the states I’ve traveled to for short times and/or have visited whether it be on vacation or to visit friends, I am amazed on how much Ohio sucks and mostly everything about it. And you can easily tell that Ohio people have some kind of depression in them that comes from somewhere. Ohio has the rudest, ignorant and racist people out of anywhere I’ve been. It even hits me from living in Ohio that you can get depressed very quickly and it can suck some hope out of you. It’s because there is no fun life around except Cedar Point pretty much.

    Ohio has no travelers and they have no travelers that come to it unless it’s for business or to visit family. Nobody has money in NE Ohio, nor do they have any leadership from people who know how to “boom” anything like the economy, tourist attractions, or to be original in some way to give anything an identity. Geneva on the Lake isn’t all that bad if you want to count that. Cleveland and Youngstown have identities from outsiders. It’s simple- bad weather, bad crime, worthless or close-minded people, polluted air, a dirty lake, gray skies, empty buildings, and segregation out the ass.

    Lake Erie has had more drownings and people getting sick from the fish in there more than any other Great Lakes. That’s because the water is really dirty, it’s way to shallow to make anything in it fresh, it has the same ripple effect as an ocean, which is very odd, and too many people throw trash in there. Cleveland has no appeal on the lake front at all, the Burke Lakefront Airport doesn’t even look busy nor does it look professional. Everything is old and not fixed up, no landscape, no attractions, nothing.

    Out of all cities I’ve checked out or researched, Cleveland probably has had the most turnovers for restaurants, bars, or clubs. I’ve been to “West 6th” as people call it here, and I’ve never seen so many fake people in these places at night in my life. I’ve looked up every restaurant or so-called club in that area and every single place has at least 15-20 bad reviews about it. I can think of many reasons why. The management in these places are dicks or douchebags who think that just because they have a lot of fake good-looking people come there that their business has been successful. The people who work there don’t look and are not very welcoming at all. Service is usually mediocre and they think they can take their good ol’time with you. Oh and my favorite, all of those places turn into “dance clubs” or Jersey Shore after a certain time, trying to make a dance place out of it. And that’s really gay if you ask me. They usually have a DJ, probably one who can’t speak good English, standing their with his laptop just clicking at songs thinking he’s the shit. It’s like if it’s a restaurant, keep it a restaurant, if it’s strictly a bar, keep it a bar. Don’t try to pretend you’re in New York after 10PM when you’re in Cleveland. After reading those reviews, I think some people would agree with me on that idea.

  14. I love reading all these posts.I was thinking there is something wrong with me for not accepting Ohio as it is.I live pretty much on the East side of Youngstown( If you live around here you know where I am). I escaped the area after I graduated from YSU in 1999 and have lived in Florida up until last summer (2010). I feel like I went back 20 years in time moving from ORLANDO back here. NOTHING has changed here. I miss Florida terribly BUT I am here taking care of a parent and that is what is important.( I keep telling myself this many,many times). People are not friendly here at all. Everyone is so guarded. There is NOTHING to do and the weather is terrible. Please anyone out there – send me an email:serenitygirl11@yahoo.com. In the subject please put OH SUCKS so I don’t delete it by mistake. I would like to meet people in this area and I think hating Ohio and all it doesn’t have to offer is a great common area. Thanks,Val

  15. Did you see those clowns in Cleveland celebrating the Heat losing? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Mavs fan…and I’m happy that the Heat lossed, because they do need to be humbled for the whole season of non-stop egotism…that said…I don’t hate Lebron for leaving Cleveland. He had a chance to go play ball with a good team in a nice city and live on South Beach. How many of us can say we’ve lived on South Beach making a lot of money doing what we love in life? How many? I’m not celebrating someone’s defeat…(unless it’s the Raiders or Chiefs). I applaud Lebron for leaving Ohio. Leave it to those bunch of slack-jawed, hick-a-billy idiots to still harbor ill feelings toward anyone bettering themselves. Carmelo Anthony left Denver, and yet Denverites don’t care…and Denver still makes money and creates jobs. If Lebron leaving your town cripples your economy…it’s time for Cleveland to look at Cleveland, and leave that kid alone!!! Damn, I’m glad I don’t live there anymore!!! FUCK TOLEDO!!!

  16. I thought I’d check in with y’all people who diss OH because, even though I’ve been there for all of three days in my life (check earlier posts), I am getting SUED there now by some rubberneck rednecks who are trying to make me come back. I have this little hard ass Jappy lawyer from NJ who told these hicks, you know, we don’t have “involuntary servitude” in this country no more, like, ummm, since 1865. They talk to my lawyer like they can muscle her around cause she’s a woman, and send me threat letters in the mail. The last one Jeanne (my lawyer) called goddamn extortion under NJ law. Plus they say everything has to be litigated in OH, and refuse to settle or negotiate anything. I told these asshole OH inbreds that it will be a cold day in hell before me or any of my people ever go back there. I will keep you posted. But as for now I’m just saying this: I am frankly amazed at how mean spirited tight fisted and ruthless these mean little racist mutherfkkers turned out to be. Peace out, Big AL from Philly

  17. I think we should make the people who write about positive thinking and the law of attraction live here on food stamps and section 8 housing for the rest of their lives. We should also petition to have the entire state evacuated by the citizenry, and change it into a prison state. All state and federal prisons should be built here. The border will have a 20 ft. concrete and barbwire wall, guarded by men with machine guns. The absolute punishment for crime in the United States: Incarcerated into prison state Ohio- a fate worse than death.

  18. Unfortunately, I must agree with the majority of the posts here. Get out of Ohio while you can. I’ll admit, Ohio State University is a great school, especially for graduate school. Forget the sports etc, OSU grad school is top notch. The cost of living is also very reasonable, as are home prices and job salaries are comparable. It ends there.

    The people are extremely bitter and somewhat ignorant for the most part. It is comical at first, but annoying after years. I have lived several places from Dallas to Va Beach and the Outerbanks of Carolina etc. Ohio is so depressing to live here year after year and really begins to suck the life out of you can destroy your mental and physical health if you let it. Why was Cleveland rated #1 as the most miserable place to live last year in Forbes? Why do ALL fast food chains use their pilot markets for products in Ohio? This is factual. Fast food is king here along with OSU football nuts. And I am alumni.. but it’s kind of like religion for many folks… it’s funny and sad. Unfortunately I also finished school and landed a great job, married, kids, mortgage. And sadly, now I feel like my life is over if I dont get out soon. The weather undoubtedly is the worst thing about the state. It is literally winter from October through May. It is unreal, even when it does warm up it is gray skies and rains all the time. When summer hits in late June/July it gets humid but I can handle the heat, especially since it only lasts for a short time and begins to cool quickly the beginning of september.

    My advice. Come to Ohio and experience it on vacations and it is fine. Get a good education here and it is fine. BUT…Get a good job, get married, buy a house and kiss a happy life away, youre trapped. The only thing that makes me happy is my wife and kids. I try to spend all my time with kids in sports and recreation but the weather stops it so much. I too was in denial for a long time. I cannot wait to move away. At first you would think it’s so strange how where you live could affect your life so much even though you have good job, nice house and great family you love, but really its so obvious. Take heed, be careful where you make your roots or you will pay. I miss the beach and surfing so much. You must spend so much time indoors, you start to understand why everyone around you is so obese and miserable. If you are a recluse and love TV, drinking a lot, video games and watching sports then Ohio is just fine. If you like spending time outdoors in nature, playing sports, and feeling the sun on your face. Run as fast as you can…

  19. regular guy that post seemed pretty on the money based on my experiences…

    On one of the approximately 25 nice normal sunny days we get in Ohio each YEAR, I took my family to the local water park. well, I guess I can kiss my attraction to girls in bikinis goodbye, because I never saw so many beer guts, unflattering tattoos, and ghastly pale white skin in my life on the swarms of these wannabe “hood rats” I encountered. what is it with Ohio people and tattoos? I guess if you consider tattooing to be the pinnacle of human expression then Ohio is the place to be. I regret ever having gotten any tattoos most of the time simply because it makes me look that much more like a generic Ohio Douche Bag.

    There’s a reason in my town there is a video game store on practically every block and about 3 fast food restaurants surrounding it. when it is god awful 9/10 days here, what is there to do except sit around in your living room, eating cheap food and playing video games? and what makes it easier to pass the time when this is all you have to do? drugs and alcohol of course. smoke a bowl and eat some Wendy’s…then drink beer while playing xbox for hours on end until it’s time to pass out drunk… so basically we get a state of fat, drunk, lazy drug addicts that are covered in tattoos.

    combine that with a Ohio’s rich, racist tradition, and we get people whose lineage traces back to nothing but the same small circle of white people for generations and what do you get? swarms of fat, ultra pale super white people with bad teeth, bad genes, that are covered in tattoos, and addicted to drugs and alcohol. it’s amazing this is a union state, but it is still FULL of racially tense redneck towns where there are basically 100% white. and yet now that its the new millennium most of them are trying to emulate the black “thugs” in the area. watching some inbred cracker cow tipper farm boy try to pretend he’s a thug black man is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen.

    One of the women in my college class is pregnant and she goes outside to smoke cigarettes every single day with other women she is friends with and nobody cares or says anything. smoking while you are pregnant is perfectly socially acceptable in NE Ohio. just thought i would throw that out there.

    I used to consider myself pretty liberal. try living above people on welfare and section 8 that trade their foods stamps for weed so they can sit around and get high all day. Or that drink malt liquor all day while screaming and beating each other up. Or start growing their own weed in the homes that other peoples’ tax dollars pay the rent on. or coming home from work or school to see them having a Crack Cocaine Tea Party with other welfare receiving people in the neighboring buildings. or that let their giant Pit Bulls or other attack dogs run around without leashes or even tags/rabies vaccines. Or walking into the laundry room to find someone drinking cheap wine from a paper bag because she can’t do it in her home because she has to hide it from her daughter. it’s really hard to generate human compassion for the poor when you watch them utilize any help we give them as a means to basically live like animals.

    oh and there’s one other thing people can do when they’re stuck inside constantly due to miserable endlessly shitty weather: breed… and breed they do…

    if you haven’t started churning out kids here by your very early 20’s you are weird.
    the Job and Family Services building around here is typically more crowded than a god damn Van Halen concert.

  20. There have been such solid postings and opinions here lately. Everyone has been pretty much spot on. I have to add that most people in Ohio are poor and scrapping for cash on a daily basis. If you take a “jolly”…and I use that term loosely….trip to NE Ohio, you will find that MOST people are either at or just barely above the poverty line. It is just way more prevalent in NE Ohio in cities such are Cleveland, Toledo, Youngstown & Akron. The guy above hit the hammer on the head in bringing up the fact that Cleveland is a very miserable city. There are NO jobs there whatsoever! The same goes for Youngstown etc.If you have the unfortunate experience of staying in Youngstown for a while, you will see what a decrepit city it is. The skies literally turn more and more grey as you get closer to the city. It is really sad. It breaks my heart having to go back there to see my family…my mother…my sister…..both of which are not doing very well financially. I am very fortunate (for now) to be doing well in this state despite it’s tendency to run it’s residents through the meat grinder and spit them out at the end of the welfare/unemployment line.

    As mentioned above, Ohio is probably only good for one thing…which involves getting your education. After you have fully educated yourself to the point of being employable, get the hell out of this state as fast as you can. Do not seriously date ANY women or men that live here and DO NOT marry anyone here with the intent of making this place your permanent home. By all means…DO NOT breed children in this state. There are no jobs here to support a family….a marriage or children. The school systems…99% of them! are complete garbage. The sad reality is…and I was talking to my mother about this the other day..that if you luck up and happen to get a decent job here…..it probably will not be long term. Should you find yourself unemployed and rooted here….chances are..you are completely assed out! Chances are..there are no other employers in the industry that you are in..in your area (except maybe healthcare or finance). DO NOT ROOT YOURSELF HERE. You will be sorry.

    How about this weather guys? Need I say more? It’s winter for 9 mths out of the year and for the rest of the year…it’s either raining or wickedly humid. As the other poster said, I can deal with the heat and humidity…..I CANNOT deal with not seeing the sun for DAYS at a time. All lifeforms need the sun….and an extreme lack of sunlight will damage your psyche. You will always feel drained…depressed and irritable. By the way…this is the typical mood of most Ohio. How much do you want a to bet it has plenty to do with the constant overcast..grey skies that grip this state. If you see the sun..you better enjoy it..because Ohio is only teasing you.

    To whoever was talking about Columbus, they are dead on. I don’t know what to say about Columbus other than it really sucks. Everything is flat……it’s boring and there is nothing to do here. NOONE knows how to drive in this city either..which I find absolutely amazing. I’ve been to many cities..but..I’ve never been to a city where everyone either violates traffic rules completely..or they drive so haphazardly that it appears that they have no regard for anyone’s life..including their own. Which wouldn’t surprise me…living in Ohio makes it hard to truly value one’s life.

    Also, I LOVE how Cleveland just keeps talking about LeBron James Yes..as a person..he’s an immature douchebag who could learn a thing or two about personal conduct..I agree…but GET OVER IT. LeBron has been gone for a long time. To be honest…I would have taken my talents to South Beach as well. I’d take my talents ANYWHERE but Ohio. He knew that he wouldn’t be successful in Cleveland. That’s another thing about people in Ohio…if you are educated or obviously doing better than them or trying to leave the state that they have become stuck in…they become hate-filled to the point of absolute maliciousness. It’s ridiculous.

    I also pray to God that we do not slump into a deeper recession. Ohio cannot withstand another period of economic turmoil such as the incident that began in late Dec. 2007. Ohio will be wiped off of the map employment wise. Ohio has been in it’s own recession since late 2004. Employers don’t want to bring their business here because they know that people like us don’t want to live here…..and it’s hard to find good employees in Ohio because most are just lazy whiners and complainers. Not to mention that Ohio business taxes are downright insane. Ohio is not a business friendly state at all.

    Having a good job w/ great benefits in this state is the only reason I am still here. I have not allowed myself to become complacent to the point to where this is the “end-all-be-all”. I will be leaving this state within the next two years…that’s for sure. That is a promise that I have made to myself and noone else. Last one out…kill the lights please.

  21. Okay yes Ohio’s weather sucks but there are many great things here that more than half the other states don’t have.. So shut up

  22. BeaverCreek Cheerleader….seriously…why are you at a site that says “Ohio Sucks”? More importantly…how did you get here?? If you love this state so much..then go take yourself to another site. I’m tired of you losers coming to a site that was obviously made by and for people who don’t like this state…come here an defend it. There are NO great things about this state. If you can seriously look into a mirror and say that you love Ohio with a straight face..then you seriously have some issue. If you like this trashy, disgusting state with a passion..then get of this board with your trolling ass.

  23. Wow, you guys have real issues! If you want to live in a state that sucks, move to Missouri! It rains all the time and when it is not raining it is 90+ degrees with 90+% humidity! My AC would be running full blast and it would only be getting hotter inside! You would walk outside and you could barely breathe! Not to mention that they don’t get snow in the winter, only ice!

    The crime is worse than Ohio too. St. Louis right now is #1 in crimes. I lived 2 hours from there and I would wake up to gun shots and people banging on my door trying to sell drugs.

    I don’t get what everyone’s problem is. In Missouri there were absolutely not jobs. I had to work 3 serving jobs just to pay my bills and I was going to college 16-18 credit hours. Life sucked there! I moved to Ohio and I feel like I am in heaven! I have had my windows open all spring and summer so far and when the sun is out it is beautiful outside! It isn’t hot and gross like Missouri. I feel bad for my family back home because they have been dealing with hot and muggy weather when I am sitting at home with the windows open.

    If you guys hate it here so much, then move to a different state already! I saw an opportunity to leave Missouri and I ran! I miss my family but there is no way I’m moving back! Do me a favor and move to Missouri…bet you come crying home! The only thing that sucks here right now is the freaking postal service!

  24. Here are some reasons why I hate this God-awful state:

    1) The stuck-up people. I’ve lived in Shaker Heights my whole life, and there are two types of people here: Rich and poor. Everyone here is really snotty, cliquey and stuck-up! The private school girls go for the douchebag private school guys, and it seems as if everyone goes to either Ohio State or Miami (not Florida) If you lived in another city and you wanted to go to the Shaker high school, it would cost $15,000 a year! I’m not kidding! These types can be found in other cities such as Chagrin Falls, Beachwood, Orange, you name it…

    2) Ohio State-Michigan rivalry. Damn near everyone here is OBSESSED with Ohio State. Half of our family goes to Michigan and I used to despise UM. Then, I GREW UP.
    One day, while attending Kent State University and having a discussion about college football, I was kicked out of someone’s dorm room for saying the WORD Michigan. I’m NOT making this up.

    3) Horrid sports teams. I personally think LeFraud is still an a-hole for what he did to the Cavs, but the fact is the sports teams suffer through this pattern of “Come close to success, then trade away all our star players and suck again”. I would personally like to see a Cleveland team win ANY title, but I know that realistically that may not happen.

    4) Idiots. If EVER you come across any money/success, don’t tell anybody, because they will attempt to drag you down and take everything away.

    5) Government. The Cuyahoga County corruption scandal. That is all.

    6) The weather. Where do I begin? One day it will be 70, warm and sunny, and the next it will be 35 and snowy. There are only three seasons here: Summer (5 months), Fall (October) and Winter (6 months).

    7) Cornhole. No comment.

    8) Dogs. The people here let their dogs run loose. Why, I have no idea. I was walking down the street minding my own business, when I was chased by a dog!

    9) Cops. There are cops EVERYWHERE. You could walk down the street for 5 minutes and see about 3-4 cop cars passing by.

    10) The women. They are very PICKY when it comes to talking, dancing with guys, etc., especially at Kent State. The fat women think they are hot, the sexy women are in relationships, the girls that LOOK cute have been fucked by half the guys at the University, and some of the nice women I’ve tried to talk to are lesbians. Or so they say.
    I’ve tried to dance with some of the women, and I’ve gotten the “I’m dancing with her/I’m a lesbian/I have a “boyfriend”! Then when I turn around one of the “lesbians” is dancing with a dude! The tragic thing is some of the nice girls are attracted to the douchebags of the state, or would rather hang out with their girls rather than hang out with the nice guys like myself, even if they treat them like crap and cheat behind their backs! And some of the girls turn lesbian because they’ve had enough of the guys treating them like crap in the first place! The women here are such pathological liars that Satan himself would be ashamed.

    11) No JOBS. I have applied to 40-50 places in the past 2 years and NOTHING.

    12) The smart people are leaving. So am I. HOPEFULLY SOON.

    I’m 19 years old and have had ENOUGH. I’m transferring to a community college in order to graduate early, so that I can not only to get myself out of this hellhole, but my parents and my family. They’ve put up with this god-awful state for TOO LONG.

    One last piece of advice: Leave when you are young, DO NOT buy a house here, get married here, have kids here, ANYTHING here, for you will regret it!

  25. lived here my whole life. cant wait to get out of here. Its rainy,cold, and there is nothing to do. The only remotely interesting place is Kings Island, but it rains so much its closed alot. Cant wait to go to college and move away. Theirs no oppurtunitie here or promising careers. I feel sorry for the poor soul who has to govern this crime ridden hell hole. Ohio sucks.

  26. Ohio Sucks,

    You are right on.. I couldn’t have said it better. Luckily for me, I don’t have children yet,and I really have nothing keeping me in this piss-on ass state except not having enough cash to move yet..I advise all the teens, twenties, and thirty somethings to keep hope alive. Ohio is NOT the place to be if you value your life ,future, and children’s future.

    Get out!!! NOW!

  27. I have lived in Ohio my entire life, and the ONLY good thing I have to say about this state is that this is where Kid Cudi and Marilyn Manson are from.

    The first word that comes to mind when I think of Ohio is “ugly.” Everything here is absolutely hideous:

    *The weather: it is constantly grey and dreary. Summer only truly lasts for maybe three or four months, and even then it’s always windy and rainy. Tanning is out of the question.

    *The people: Ohio is home to some of the most narrow-minded, ignorant, intolerant people alive. If you are not a white, conservative, masculine man with a wife and kids, then you will pretty much be eaten alive.
    Also, everyone here is exactly the same. All of the boys are pretty much just miniature versions of their dads, and all of the girls wear Ugg boots and sweat pants everywhere they go. And everyone’s really fat, too.
    Sure, there are some friendly, unique, and insightful people here, but they are mostly here against their will.

    *Things to do: There is nothing to do here. The weather ruins pretty much any outdoor activity that you would want to do. Because of the lack of diversity here, it’s harder to find people who share common interests with you. You are mostly just stuck inside, alone, staring out the window at the grey, bleak sky.

    So if you love being depressed, oppressed, and enjoy a little air of recession and ennui while you drink your morning beer, move to Ohio.

    As soon as I graduate in three years, I am going to New York City and never coming back. Except to visit my parents.

  28. Cleveland, Ohio, oh yeah it’s a paradise to live in. On a Friday night, you can walk to a fast food joint and get fat, or you can go up to the bars and meet the annoying hillbillies who either talk about their kids with their abnormal names and unhealthy lifestyles, or you can stay at home and make babies with your girlfriend/boyfriend.

    A friend of mine and I were talking about how much we are fed up with the women to choose from in NE Ohio. We’ve been to the mall, movies, beaches, bars, clubs, etc. and we both realized that every other girl/woman has a tattoo, a kid (unmarried), looks disgruntled, looks uneducated, looks like she has social deficiencies (never talks, shows no emotion, plays with her phone the whole time, not using manners, not saying hello back when other people say hello first, etc) Pretty much having no respect for other people.

    The women we’ve talked to or tried to date have acted like they have good taste in men but when they disclose their past boyfriends or guys they’ve been interested in, your jaw hits the floor and you realize it’s all bullshit and they put up a front. Have fun going to public places or single scenes where every girl or woman you find is either 10 years younger or 10 years older than you. Have fun going to clubs downtown where every other woman flaunts herself as if she is the “bitch of the century”. Have fun with the women who are backstabbers to their friends or complain about not finding nice guys when they’ve got plenty right in front of their face. Have fun meeting women who act like all guys are the same and complain about being single when they are either too lazy to find the right guy or keep going after the wrong ones anyway.

    Cleveland is so safe that their mayor is still laying off police officers. Oh no, crime rates aren’t high at all. People keep voting for liberal leadership in government because they still are looking for ways why it’s bad to elect liberal mayors. Which is why nothing has changed in Cleveland the past 20 years or so.

  29. Big Al from Philly, I hope all works out for you – I can’t believe that this company wants to “force” people to work for them. But wait, considering that it’s Ohio…I can believe anything – I mean ANYTHING!!!

    To DeadOhioSky, I hear you! Talking about living in Ohio as a form of punishment/prison sentence is 100% true!!! Believe it or not, I’ve often thought that and said as such to my husband and children. I made the bad judgment/decision to come back to NE OH after living in Southern California in earlier decades. Came back to have and raise our children. Didn’t seem like a bad idea at the time, but mind you, I was in my early 20’s, very naive, and stupid. (Not saying that 20 somethings are stupid – I give you guys/gals in that age group credit for realizing the fact that Ohio sucks so early in your life – that you didn’t have to wait decades to wisen up like I did). Kudos to you for that – I mean this sincerely.

    Now, I am frickin entrenched (very unhappily so) in this hellhole of a state and things aren’t looking good. Listen to me people (and listen to those above who have already said this): Get the HELLO out of here ASAP, and do NOT, I repeat, do NOT entrench yourself here by getting married here, having children here, buying property here, because you TOO will feel like you’re living a prison sentence for a crime that you didn’t really commit…and if you don’t get out, it will be/seem like a life-long “sentence.”

    And speaking about marriage, trust me, you might marry some guy/gal who has a frickin family who are Ohio “cheerleaders” who think that this is an awesome state to live in!!! Never mind the fact that they worked in a time period and economy when jobs were still to be had…most of my in-laws are retired or are a year or two from retirement. They think it’s okay when our older college-educated children cannot get jobs…frankly, they don’t give a rat’s a*s. They got theirs when it was their time, scr*w everyone else, especially the younger people. They make me sick. They make me sick because they “guilt” you into staying here for their own selfish purposes. Right now, I am stuck in this sh*thole of a state for the mere fact that I need money to leave and secondly, need to decide where to leave to and where to plant the kids so they have better opportunities for a better life.

    The fact is that this state and it’s people have such negative attitudes/negative energy that it sucks your will to live…you go through life on autopilot using food, alcohol, drugs, or whatever else gets you through the night (or day) as some form of placation living in this hell. You truly feel like you are a prisoner…a prisoner who has cellmates who are rednecks/hillbillies/gangster wannabe’s/drunkards/meth/cokeheads. I can’t believe how many of our nieces/nephews (in their 20’s) are perpetually tied to the bar area at any family function…as if the only thing they know how to do is keep a filled drink in front of them at all times. I mean, WTF!!! Come on! They don’t dance, talk, have fun – it’s just sitting there, getting plastered with alcohol. Ohio seems to be filled with these types primarily. Yes, there are some educated, quality people, who have interests, but like someone said, they are here against their will…probably married to some Ohio cheerleader like I am. My Ohio cheerleader (husband) is so stuck on Ohio sports teams – it’s as if his life revolves around them and his happiness (or lack thereof) is determined by how well the teams are doing. Is this making sense to anyone???

    I could go on and on about how stuck I feel living in this state, but I won’t because other people need a chance to vent to. Trust me people, like AC/DC said, “It’s harder than it looks” (both living here and getting out of here)…and “it’s a long way to get the hell out of here if you get entrenched”…so please don’t do it, if you can can. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…please believe that because it’s true.

    My plan is to get out of here…but I need to make a plan and stick to it as it’s not just myself, but my children too. Peace to everyone who posts here. I hope I didn’t offend anyone; I am just really wanting a change in my life and out of this prison…as scary as that is when you’ve been entrenched anywhere as long as I have (in this hellhole state) and have others (children) who are dependent on you. I WILL do it though! I BELIEVE that I can…I know it will happen. 🙂

  30. To OhioIsAPrisonSentence-

    You are not the only one who has felt like this is a prison. You could drive through downtown Cleveland or Cincinnati and feel like it’s just an outdoor prison surrounded by ghetto and empty or run-down building that will never be touched.

    But seriously, everyone and I mean everyone I grew up with or went to college with that has moved out of Ohio has never regretted moving. They all moved for better reason and better pastures and certainly are living in better states or cities than Ohio. They all took the big jump and mainly moved because of better jobs. They got job offers that actually paid enough for them to move. They were all lucky to find a way to leave this prison.

    I’ve had guy friends who if they stayed in Ohio would always be working jobs that weren’t in the area they went to college for. They would be single forever because of the lack of morally right women living in this state or at least city that is Cleveland. Every one of those guys that moved, which is a handful, have found decent girlfriends where they moved to within like the first 6 months living there. Almost all of them would have been single forever staying in Cleveland.

    One in particular was 27, kept having bad luck with women and meeting the wrong ones all the time. Ones that were negative more times than none, would get drunk with her friends way too often, would want to move in with him after only a month of dating, didn’t take good care of themselves, had bad families, had tattoos, etc. Well he never had a real girlfriend in his life. But when he moved with the money he had saved up, was able to find a decent job after a few months of searching, found a decent girlfriend within the first couple months of being there (now together for a year and a half), and found a nice convenient place to live with not much crime around.

    So people who tell me it’s the same everywhere, it’s not. I’ve lived in NE Ohio my whole life and have seen everything. Nobody anywhere is on the move or making things feel better or look better. No new business ventures want to be here because they know they won’t last long. And the outrageous tax rates are probably half the worries. I too am sick of the “Ohio cheerleaders” who have their happiness revolve around the sports teams. and I never understood the idea of being obsessed with Ohio State everywhere. Last time I checked, Cleveland is not a suburb of Columbus. I can’t stand Ohio State or anything associated with it.

    So until then, I will keep doing what everyone else on this board is doing, working hard to save up money and hope I can have a plan that works someday to get me out of here before it’s too late. I’m in my mid 20’s and feel like I’m 10 years older by living in Ohio, I know crazy right?

  31. Oh My God! Ohio and Shitinati (cincy) is like the biggest ghetto trailor trash shit hole EVER. Somebody very dear to me just got the worst restaurant service from some stupid trashy bimbo.These Ohio motherfuckers don’t live in reality. They think they can act like trashy idiots (which most of these Ohio douche bags are) ,and that’s acceptable behavior..Again, Ohio is an EPIC FUCKING FAIL. Good luck to all the 20 and 30 somethings trying to get the fuck outta this garbage can of a state. Keep trying I know I am..

  32. My girlfriend is wanting to go to some apparently “Highly Respected” Catholic college somewhere in Ohio. I’m not too sure of the name, or the county, but she’s determined to go, and is taking a trip tomorrow. I love her dearly, but I do not want to become another victim of murder, or have her be raped, or just get stuck there and never escape. Like some sort of twisted quick-sand trap.

  33. Report out today that Ohio has the most toxic air in the nation. Not only that but by a whopping 36% worse than any other. More than NJ, MI, NY, PA, WV….Really? The rivers are full of pollutants, stagnant and they stink. The summers are horrific, the winters are worse than anywhere else I’ve ever lived and the people here are ignorant and grossly obese. The politicians are all conservative narrow-minded white men. I’m outta here ASAP so I don’t have to die in this God-forsaken cesspit! Read this and you will want to start packing for the sake of your family….


  34. you people are all cry babys. wahwahwah boohoohoo. oh the rain my life sucks so im going to blame it on the state i live. here is some cheese for your wine faggots. I hope all you fucks do move out of ohio less crybabys and retards for me to have to listen to. suck it up bitches and move on. life sucks and then you die get used to it. its no differnt in anyother state. cry me a fucking river!!

  35. I grew up and lived in northeast Ohio for thirty years.i lived near in ne Ohio for thirty years. I moved to Columbus for a job. I absolutely cannot tolerate it here. The traffic is terrible. Its impossible to have a nice car. You have to drive like a crazy person. I also useful to love jogging. Doing anything outside is difficult. It feels like your using a quarter of your lung function. Through air is horrid. I live within two miles of 5 factories. I love waking up and hearing on the news who got shot.not stressful at all.

  36. @sean
    I bet you’re a meathead that doesn’t travel much. Also, why did you go to an “Ohio sucks” blog?

  37. Ohio has many wonderful attributes: the Cuyahoga River when ablaze from ignited solvents provides a startling view of the hundreds of thousands of dead shad and sheep-head fish which glisten as they lie rotting on Lake Erie’s shore amongst an equal number of colorful syringes; one county to the west the Black river runs by the decaying remnants of the steel plant whose toxins have mutated the catfish into occasionally having three eyes and are said by the few local fishermen who are out on parole to be especially tasty; Cleveland’s eastern suburb East Cleveland shares with Cincinnati’s “over-the-Rhine” the much sought after title of the murder capital of the county; and Ohioans rightly boast about their above average IQs which are rated (as are Ohioans teeth) by adding up all of those from ones’ family members and then neglecting to divide.

  38. Linda, I TOTALLY agree with you about Columbus. I moved here via job relocation and this place is HORRIBLE. It always stinks here…air quality is HORRIBLE. The crime here is FAR worse than where I am from. It is SOOO boring here, wow, sometimes I just want to gouge my eye out. Believe it or not…I actually liked it BETTER where I am from. Traffic is HORRIBLE at all times of the day. There are a bunch of crazy idiots on the roads who cause multiple accidents EVERYDAY. They also do some weird criss-crossing BS with the exit and on-ramps.I have NEVER seen that in my life. Columbus is just BAD. The people here SUCK…they are antisocial and angry all the time. I want to go back to the south and never come back up here again.

  39. To “SEAN”. Did you happen to notice that you are complaining about all of our complaining? Alas you have ordained yourself as one of us. Welcome!


  41. Im a person who was born and raised in northeastern ohio.Some of these complaints are misdirected since rude people are everywhere, not just in Ohio,Ignorant people,and crime are everywhere in this country not just in ohio!I,m not going to defend our lack of things to do,or our lack of clean air but I will say that I went on a trip to north carolina and the air quality was so bad that warnings along roads and horrible visibilty made visiting the ocean a hazard.My point in saying this is becouse this is life people!Its what we’ve chosen for our existance and all states in this country have downfalls,Ohio compared to NewYork city is heaven!There are plenty of places with clean air here and as far as the cleveland night life goes,I agree its crappy,I wont to move out of here but Im planning on finding things I dont like where ever I end up becouse PEOPLE SUCK!

  42. O-H-I go


    I moved to Columbus over 2 years ago from Chicago. I thought it would be the same seeing it was a midwest city, Yea I was sooo wrong. The people here are the worst people I have ever encountered. These people think they know everything about anything! I really think there is something in the water here, or some type of inbreeding is happening. I have never seen people with this type of dry personalities, it is impossible to hold a simple conversation. Then you have the people who actually will talk to you but they are complete lazy uneducated white trash, that drink all day and snort oxycotin. We have not made a single friend since we have been here. There is nothing to do in the city. We have both gained about 20 pounds and are in a serious state of depression. I have really tried to make friende but theese people have no common sense. All they ever talk about is Ohio state THATS IT!! I had never really heard of ohio state until I moved here, sorry people its not that big of a deal.I have had my hair done a few times since I have been here one time my hair was died purple and the other it was orange each time the girls that did it just said sorry, I dont know what happened, it does not look that bad. There is seriously something wrong with the people here, it is like it is in thier DNA or something. The sadest part about it is they think they are the greatest, smartest people on earth. I dont get it. I am absolutly deppressed here. The people here are very frustrating, I am not the smartest person in the world but compared to everyone here you would think I am a fucking rocket scientist! I am glad to say we have 5 more days here and we are moving back to Chicago. So long Buckeyes, keep drinking your beer, snorting oxycotin , scaming welfare,and being ignorant. I will never come back to this city or state.

  43. Uh, “Ohio is a bubble” – you’re kind of typical of the people I knew while in Ohio. Always with the bromide, “everywhere is the same; each state has it’s downside”. You’re right in some regards, but not in the way you might think. I met enough people like you while living in Columbus. One thing I noticed is, though you make these sage comments about life in other parts of the country, you yourself have never lived anywhere else (and no, moving from Dayton to Columbus does not count). Visited, maybe, but spending a week somewhere doesn’t really qualify anyone to make blanket judgements about a place. Also, this thread is really directed at either warning off those from other parts of the country from moving to Ohio, or a forum for those unfortunate enough to still live there to vent and share their frustration. You like it in Ohio? Good for you. Pigs like to wallow in filth, and good for them too, but they, like you, don’t really have the wherewithal to make any judgement calls on other places. I’ll give you a prime example. Ohio “heaven” compared to NYC? Are you kidding. I live in NYC and I have to tell you, it kicks Blow-Hi-Oh’s ass 365 days of the week. I can prove it. First, the population of NYC is 8 million people, almost the population of the entire state of Ohio. If it were so horrible, why would so many people, under their own volition, live here. As well, who every heard of “Sex and The Cowtown?” Nobody – it’s “Sex and The City” for a reason. More people transplant themselves here in a day than Ohio does, probably, in a year. And tourists? Forget about it. It’s August, and the streets here are literally choked with all you dumb, dumpy Middle American dumplings; all waddling along three abreast, making Mid-Town sidewalks a living hell for us locals. Yeah, Ohio so much better than NYC – you know, that’s why they write so many songs celebrating Ohio’s awesomeness, but none about NYC.

  44. Thank you @Huskylover! I had the misfortune of living in Columbus for a while and also experienced that “Cowlumbus know-it-all” phenomena. I could go on for hours about all the fools who would argue about things they knew little to nothing about. And also wondered if there were something they put in the water.

  45. True story. This girl started at my company this week, and we got on the subject of where we were from. While she’s a native, I had to tell her I moved here from Northwest Ohio. The next thing that came out of her mouth validates all that is said on this site. After giving me an “oh you poor victim!!! Sit down, let me get you some water!!! Are you okay? Do you need to talk? Just let it all out, now!!! It’s over!!! You’re safe now!!!!” look, she asks me, “aren’t they they weirdest bunch of people you’ve ever met?” No lie!!! I’m so glad I left. Good luck to all trying to get out. God works!!! Trust Him. I had no money, I just finally had to leave, and it was the best decision I ever made. You can do it!!!

  46. I left the Huber Heights area of Ohio almost 7 months ago. Everything everybody says is true. I was born and raised in California, and I made the HUGE mistake of moving to Ohio for my severely uneducated ex-boyfriend. Something I noticed about some of the small towns here is that they have a “nobody can do wrong” attitude about their residents. It is truly a sickness of ignorance that prevails in that town. My life became AMAZING after I moved back to California! I feel so free from the corruption that I had to experience there. It also helps that I can go into a salon here and the hair stylist actually UNDERSTANDS modern styles, color, and fashion! Get out of Ohio and watch your life change for the better. It definitely happened to me, and I’ve never been happier! =)

  47. I just can’t take it anymore. I need to get myself out of Ohio as soon as possible. I can’t take the aggravation, it’s like one gripe after another.

    The people are getting more stupid, the school systems are getting worse and worse grades in many categories, the appreciation for college graduates is declining, people are getting more and more unhealthy, teenagers and high school kids are making very bad decisions earlier and earlier in life, housing and property values and are decreasing more and more, people are getting more disgruntled and when a thing or two goes wrong in their life they are still taking it out on everybody else, mothers are getting worse and worse when it comes to setting good examples to their children, good women worth marrying are getting much much harder to find (especially for people in their late 20’s like me), more and more jobs are leaving and never coming back, leadership has been declining, summers are getting shorter and shorter, etc etc.

    I’m so f-in fed up with life here, it’s the same shit everyday and nothing new ever comes along. No new opportunities come here, no new businesses come here to give people jobs, all the good people leave, all the industries that once did well in Ohio are leaving, women are getting pregnant at a younger and younger age, wages are decreasing more and more to where people can’t live, they are less and less jobs that offer benefits that people need, etc.

    And what’s funny is the people here hate outsiders and think they are terrorists if they disagree or don’t think the same as people who’ve lived here forever and stuck here. Ohio should be called the “You aren’t cool if you don’t act like every other Ohioan” state. Fuck off to everyone who keeps voting for liberal mayors and governors. I’m done with the intelligence level of the people here, I gotta get out of this dreary piece of land.

  48. I have been reading the postings on this board for the past couple of years and I have to say that I agree with 99.999% of them. Ohio truly sucks. Overall, it’s an anal retentive police state inhabited primarily by uneducated sheeple. Ohio State fandom should be classified as a mental illness.

    My deepest sympathy goes out to those of you who are trapped in the Youngstown area. I was born and raised here and I made the mistake of returning several years ago to care for an ailing parent and am currently planning to leave to never have to soil my eyes with the place ever again. There have been a lot of postings concerning Toledo. Believe me (those in the Y-town area will agree) compared to Youngstown, Toledo is a shining city on the hill full of economic activity, culture and fine breeding.

    Youngstown is truly the rectum of Ohio. The adjacent city of Girard is a hemorrhoid with the surrounding communities of Austintown, Boardman, Liberty, Campbell, Struthers and Coitsville making up the rancid tuft of rectal pubic hair. The area is full of Mafioso want-a-bes (the real Mafia left a long time ago with steel) still living in the 1970s. I think this area has the highest rates of alcoholism and venereal disease in the state. All the apologetics for the region point out the low cost of housing. What they fail to understand is the basic concept of supply and demand. Houses are cheap (sometimes buy one get one free in the city) because no sane person wants to live here. Opening a new bar is considered economic development. There are no good paying jobs. Corruption is common among the politicians (Google Youngstown and corruption). I have read postings on other boards camparing the Youngstown area to eastern European countries such as Romania and Bulgaria. I prefer to call it Fucktardia.

    I’ve ranted enough. Stay in Ohio long enough and you will go from annoyed to mild dislike, to strong dislike, to hatred, to loathing and finally to a state of Schadenfreude. Good luck to those of you trying to leave. I’m going to close my business, sell my house (at a loss if necessary) and get out of here.

    P.S. If anyone shouts out to you ‘O’ ‘H’, respond ‘F’ ‘U’.

  49. Rasputin, you are absolutely right about Youngstown. I lived there for many years before I moved to Cow-lumbus and it is a very bad place to live. There are no jobs there and no hope at all. It’s just very sad. Everyone in the city is either at or severely below the poverty line. I have family that still lives there (for whatever reason) and visiting them causes me so much heartache. There is something wickedly wrong with that place. It’s almost as if a demon has taken over the city. Every time that I visit the place, I get extremely depressed. It is a horrible feeling. I usually cannot stay there for more than one day. I know that there are some people who don’t believe in spirits…but..even when I hit the outskirts of the city…it hits you. Something definitely is wrong with that place and I really feel for you. Everything else you said about Youngstown is dead on. The crime is horrible, corruption is out of control…severely decaying infrastructure etc. Youngstown looks like a city that has been hollowed out by a nuclear bomb. Everyone that I know is moving out and I advise you to do the same.

    Concerning the rest of Ohio, the feeling is there same. There are only MILDLY better cities to live in with regards to Ohio and Cowlumbus is probably the best one unfortunately. Toledo is a hell-hole..please do not move there. NE and NW Ohio are just absolute hell-holes. Columbus is a city full of psychotic sports fans, strip malls and nothing-ness. The restaurant scene here is complete garbage and there is nothing to do here. This city has no character and is EXTREMELY boring.

    Winter is coming up here in Ohio…you can forget about Fall..as there is no such thing as fall here. Well, maybe it’s fall for two weeks..then we head STRAIGHT into another long, dark, grey winter. Rasputin, my advice is..if you can put up with Ytown for a little bit longer…please do so. It’s really not that much better anywhere else in this state. Pack your bags and move to Texas or somewhere that has a REAL economy and a friendly business climate. This is not the place for you or ME for that matter. I am getting some job experience and some decent references..then I am OUT. Good Luck to you.

  50. HaHaHa! So glad I ran across this site! Been reading these posts for a few hours and I must say TRUE! If you really want a treat though,visit Middletown. Fastest dying city in Ohio. But hurry!! It’s disappearing fast! Born and raised here, and finally making our escape to the southern US. Had to think of my kids futures, and what opportunities they would NOT have if we continued to stay here. GET OUT! There IS a better life away from here!

  51. I have the misfortune of being a native of the east coast and living in Cincinnati. There are so many bad things I can say about this city, but I’ll try and keep my comment short and to the point.

    Cincinnati routinely ranks as one of America’s poorest cities, and it shows. The infrastructure within the city is terrible and dilapidated, and the people are rude and uneducated. Minus a few areas of the city, poverty is rampant, so there is always someone waiting somewhere to accost you for change. There is an extreme overemphasis on high school (especially high school football), and there is too much white AND black trash walking around.

    To touch on the overemphasis on high school and high school sports in the area; I’ve never lived in a place where there is such a premium placed on high school football. At work, the way I hear some people talking about “X” High school playing against “Y” High School, and how many receiving yards “Johnny Jr.” had his freshman year, you would thinkg this was fantasy football they were talking about.

    To touch on Youngstown really quick, some previous posters mentioned how much it sucks, and I agree 110%. I have an uncle who lives in the area, and each time I went to visit him, it made me feel lucky and thankful that I live in Cincinnati. I think Youngstown is probably literally the worst and most depressing place I’ve ever been too.

    I could really make this into a long drawn out rant, but the last thing I will say is that the politics of the local area sucks. Anything presented to residents in area that will help propel Cincinnati into the 21st century is always opposed by the ignorant and ultra conservative voters of the area. I think a significant part of what makes Cincinnati what it is is its proximity to the South and Appalachia; two regions I’m not fond of.

  52. I just wanted to respond to Xavier about Cincinnati. Wow, I’ve only been to Cincy ONCE and I will NEVER, EVER return to that place. It is a horrifically racist city and you are absolutely correct in the fact that it represents a blend of Appalachia and some elements of the deep south. If you could take two states…Alabama and West Virginia…condense them into a city…the child would be Cincinnati. It has the poor white and black trailer trash of Appalachia and the deep seeded racism of Alabama and maybe even as bad as Mississippi. I also think that it’s proximity to Kentucky has a lot to do with it as well. Kentucky is a drive through state for minorities. Some of you may not think it’s possible, but, Kentucky is actually worse than Ohio is. Very racist, separatist state full of trailer park trash. I pulled over to ask directions at a local gas station there once and was greeted with rudeness and angry stares. People from Kentucky cross the the border into Cincy ALL the time. I see large crops of them in Columbus as well. I see someone from Kentucky here everyday. I must note that the suburb of Upper Arlington in Columbus is probably one of the most racist suburbs in Columbus.

    Cincinnati though…is yet another city that just gave me REALLY negative vibes. The river that flows through there is so dirty and polluted, the infrastructure of the city is absolutely horrible and the Cincinnati Reds are the worst MLB team I’ve ever seen. There are little league and minor league teams that would shut them out. In my opinion, Youngstown and Cincinnati are almost a neck and neck tie for the worst cities in Ohio. I personally think Cincinnati wins that race by a hair. Cincinnati has decaying infrastructure AND deep-southernesque racial relations. They literally had race riots a few years ago. I don’t even hear about race riots in the south!

    BTW, Ive been as far south as South Carolina. I NEVER have been treated better. Everyone was friendly and welcoming toward me and I am a minority. Then again, I talk and act like a southerner..so maybe I blend in? I do know that people in the south aren’t very fond of northerners..particularly Ohioans. Can you blame them? I live here and can’t stand Ohioans and most northerners. I wouldn’t consider going any further south unless it was Texas.

  53. These posts are so on target it’s amazing. I left NE Ohio in 1978 after Dennis Kucinich became mayor of Cleveland. I joined the Navy, travelled the world and visited and lived in at least a half dozen countries and at least two dozen states. In the process, I managed to get a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree [NOT from any institution in Ohio]and learned to speak, read, and write five languages. These experiences now make me “socially suspect” in Ohio.

    Later, I had to return to Ohio to care for an ailing relative. Now that she has passed, It’s time to leave. Forever. This state, and Cleveland in particular, is the land of corruption, mean-spiritedness, and pathetic losers. What blows my mind the most is that the “natives,” as they like to be called, think this arae is the center of the universe! They actually like living their lives in quiet desparation and ending them in diappointing anticipation. Since moving away and returning here it’s like reverse culture shock. I truly feel like an outsider. Never have I met a group of more depressed, negative, and hypocritical malcontents in my life. Oh, and God help you if you even attempt to offer any type of constructive comment towards making a change around here. The response I’ve receieved the most is, “Well, if you don’t like it why don’t you just leave?” Well guess what? That’s exactly what people have done and are doing – IN DROVES. So much promise but for no purpose. So much talent abused, neglected, and lost. Never to return.

    It’s now 2011 and I own my own business; however, I will soon be transferring all of the functions, including the assests, out of this state.

    Pity. This place had such potential.

  54. @Ohio Sucks

    Your response to my post was on point. I’m also a minority(black), and I have to agree with you that race relations in this region are terrible. I used to go down and visit family in NC and SC all the time, so yeah, I know the south has progressed a lot more than people realize. Go down to NC or SC, and you probably cannot go literally five or ten minutes without seeing an Ohio license plate, and no I’m not exaggerating. Charleston SC has received such an influx of Ohioans, that there was a site called “Gobacktoohio.com.” I think it has been taken down, but it goes to show you that people are leaving this state in droves. I know I previously said I’m not fond of the south, but SC is like my second home since my grandmother lives down there. I’ve considered moving there or somewhere within the Mid-Atlantic region within the next two years. I don’t really blend in down south since I was raised in Rhode Island, however I’m still treated very well whenever I go down there.

    Race relations in Cincinnati are terrible both ways; from blacks and whites. If you happen to be an educated black person in Cincinnati, then you have all the other underachieving black people trying to bring you down to their level. I’m not trying to sound arrogant or condescending, but it’s the truth.

  55. Xavier and Ohio Sucks,

    Your posts are excellent and couldn’t be more true..I totally agree with both of you. Good God Shitinati (Cincinnati) is a rat hole straight from the depths of hell. I can’t believe I live in this sh#thole. I feel like I live in Satan’s outhouse. Ohio is soo disgusting. The air is soo nasty, and @Xavier I totally agree. The black and white trash here in shitinati will make you want to punch them straight in the face. There are NO jobs. I mean I know the economy is f@cked up everywhere, but Ohio NEVER had SH#T when it came to REAL jobs.KenFucky is hillbilly hell too.

    @ TIMEINHELL lmao..I didn’t get my bachelor’s or master’s from any place in Ohio either..

    The only ones that live in this sh#tland state and actually like it are a. TRAILER TRASH b. GHETTO TRASH and stupid ass hood rats c. people that are just too stupid to do better and want better.

    To all the smart people- Good luck getting the f#ck out of garbage land AKA Ohio.

  56. Ever notice how we have rain that won’t stop when there’s a drought of fires in the southwest?

  57. I have lived in Akron nearly 20 years and Tallmadge before that for 8. I grew up in Barberton, which is referred to as “Barbertucky” for good reason. I was born in California, was there until I was 4 until I had to come here. I have hated OHIO all of my life that I’ve lived here. Everything that most everyone here says IS TRUE. Ohio is a dead state that will suffocate the life out of you if you let it. I am now 40 and I have finally gotten the courage to get the hell up OUT OF HERE. I was raising children, married, and just grew very comfortable with my surroundings. Let my ‘comfort’ not be confused with “happiness” being here. I dread every single day of it. I just was so used to it, feared leaving to a new place that I didn’t do anything. Prison. Feeling trapped. But not now, busting the hell out. Taking my kids with me. This place is everything everyone says it. Pacific Northwest is where I’m headed.

    As far as the person from Missouri, I’m sorry that Missouri sucks for you and you find Ohio to be “heaven”. It may be so that Missouri is a little shit hole and you just climbed out of it but believe me, you didn’t climb into heaven. You climbed into a less shitty shit hole. But the fact remains, OHIO is a shit hole. But if you like it, great. I’m happy for you.

    Blessings people. If you can find your way out, do it!

  58. ^ My small town (people here think it’s a city even though it only has around 10K people) in Ohio has alot of fires. Good buildings burn down alot here as well as in it’s two neighboring towns. I’ll post more about my area of Ohio in another post soon.

  59. ^ My small town (people here think it’s a city even though it only has around 10K people) in Ohio actually has alot of fires. Good buildings burn down alot here as well as in it’s two neighboring towns. I’ll post more about my area of Ohio in another post soon.

  60. Ohio is one of the states that has too many meatheads.

    “sean”, the one that thinks “all places are the same” is most likely a meathead.

  61. OHIO SUCKS, the laws r sooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid, the ppl r soooooooooooooooooo stubborn, since i’ve been here, my life has achieved brilliance level of SUCKING!!!

  62. What a bunch of whiny pussies. I’ve lived here all of my life and have been to many other places, so I know whereof I speak: Ohio is a beautiful state, but if all you see of it is Cincy or Toledo or (God forbid) Youngstown, I can see where you’d say this is an armpit of a state. You have to see beyond the cities (and you also should remember that this was an industrial state from its inception, so the current economy is kicking our asses). I have no problem with the people who live here – we have more than our fair share of assholes (many of which have posted here, I see), and yes, I will say if you don’t like this state, then get the fuck out. You’d say the same thing to me if I came into your state and criticized it to this extent. Some of us still have pride in this states good points. Yeah, the weather sucks, but how the fuck is that the fault of the state?! You don’t like the weather? Go scream at the sky. You don’t like the people? They probably don’t like you either. I’m sure all of you are just innocent victims of the horrible denizens of Ohio. I’m sure you all came here hoping for the best and your outstretched hand was slapped away by the ignorant know-it-alls that populate this state.

    Let me tell you something: EVERY state sucks in some way, and if you live there and only see that, then there’s something wrong with YOU, not the state.

  63. screw you Nicholas. You openly acknowledge that Ohio has MORE than it’s fair share of assholes and openly admit that Cincy, Toledo, and Youngstown are horrible places, and yet you insist that Ohio is wonderful (frankly all I’ve seen beyond the putrid cities are open spaces and poor ugly racist mindless half-wits) and you assert that the people making the posts here are the “defective” ones.

    You sound like one of those stupid rednecks in South Park repeating over and over about how if you don’t like America you can just “get out”.

    obviously everyone posting here doesn’t want to be in this awful state. they feel trapped and they hate it and don’t know what else to do other than post here about it. they’re just trying to vent the aggravation of being surrounded by simpleminded lunkheads like you every day. also a great deal of the people posting here had the misfortune of being stuck here from birth. I for one salute these people for facing up to the harsh reality that the environment they have no choice but to live in is simply no good. That’s probably a lot harder than what idiots like you and the rest of the population here does: delude yourselves that there couldn’t possibly be anything wrong with this putrid bubble.

    for the record I have lived in many different places in my life. I’m sure there are worse places in the world, but Ohio has more racism, ignorance, anti-intellectualism, alcoholism, drug abuse, deadbeats, broken homes, and all around nastiness than anything I could have ever imagined capped off with soul crushing weather. The only place I have ever seen in my life that was probably worse was Russia.

    You honestly think that these hundreds posts here all just wrong? That every single person making these observations is just insane? good points of this state? what good points? YOU DIDN’T MENTION A SINGLE ONE

  64. To “f-ohio”, you should also make a response to the post by “sean” which is even worse than the post by Nicholas (his post still sucked)

  65. Agree with f-ohio, I was actually relieved to get out of Russia and come back to Ohio. Russia was the only place that ever made me feel that way except for West Virginia but a full tank of gas usually solves that problem.

  66. I’m sure most of you heard the news today.

    What a smart man would do if he needed cash and owned a bunch animals including lions, tigers, bears, wolves, camels, giraffes, zebras, crocodiles, monkeys, elephants, etc….

    Start up a zoo! He could have made alot of money that way, and many people in the Zanesville area would have a new thing they can do because the nearest zoo was over an hour away.

    What a complete fucking stupid piece of shit idiot would do if he needed cash and owned a bunch animals including lions, tigers, bears, wolves, camels, giraffes, zebras, crocodiles, monkeys, elephants, etc….

    Set all of animals free and commit suicide!

    Sadly the “complete fucking stupid piece of shit idiot” one was the one that actually happened in Zanesville, OHIO today. Most of those animals were killed because they would not be able to get the tranquilizers over on time.

  67. Look Ohio fucking sucks I’m from georgia but go to Ohio state and i have to say it’s one of the greatest places I’ve ever been, i don’t give a shit if it’s all Ohio has it has the biggest university in the country that’s something. Not enough to make it not shitty….just saying

  68. Here is an important article below concerning Kelly Pavlik that everyone should read. It contains a VERY important quote by someone representative of ESPN. This quote couldn’t be even more true of this crappy state. It’s so depressing here that it will force you to engage in destructive behaviors. When Ohio is in the news, it is NEVER about anything good or noble. Yes, that animal incident was ridiculous. It just shows you the type of people that live here. My number one goal is to get out of this piece of crap state before it is too late. Best of luck to Kelly on making a decision that I KNOW he will not regret. Even if this does not help his boxing career one bit, It will DEFINITELY improve his personal life.

    ===Dunkin told ESPN that it was about “getting him out of Ohio,” where Pavlik has battled distractions and issues with drinking.=====


    Seeking to jump-start his career, Kelly Pavlik has dropped longtime trainer Jack Loew in favor of Robert Garcia and will train in Oxnard, Calif., according to a story on ESPN.com.

    Pavlik and his father, co-manager Mike Pavlik, met with co-manager Cameron Dunkin and Top Rank officials in New York on Saturday night.
    Here is a story that everyone should read and there is a VERY important line in it that stands out.

    Dunkin told ESPN that it was about “getting him out of Ohio,” where Pavlik has battled distractions and issues with drinking.

    Garcia also trains Dunkin clients Donaire, Brandon Rios and Mikey Garcia (Robert’s younger brother), as well as Antonio Margarito.

  69. Looks like our fun beggars night is about to be dowsed by another good dose of RAIN. Hope all of the Oh-SUCK-o cheerleaders have fun taking their kids out into that freezing nasty night. Yeah, I vent about rain quite a bit, but wouldn’t it be nice for the kids to have a warmish, dry night? I remember not long ago when I was a kid most of our beggars nights were at least dry. Where the fuck is all this rain coming from!?

  70. I’m still trying to get the f#ck out of this tragic piece of sh#t state. Man I’m telling you, Ohio will trap you if you let it. Sh3tinanti/Cinti is an abomination, and the locals are just worthless idiots. I advise everyone looking to leave to ALWAYS KEEP TRYING.

    @ Ohio Sucks- It is NEVER to late to do better, and at this point it doesn’t take much to do better than Ohio.

  71. 4:26 a.m. I have water leaking in through my roof. I live in a rented apt in southern oh-suck-o. The owners are so cheap that they put tarps over our roofs because they won’t spend the money to fix the damn roof! Ha! It’s leaking right above the main breaker box as I type this! No BS! This may happen other places in the country, but one thing’s for sure it’s happening in o-fuck-o.

  72. Dead Ohio Sky, I typically agree with what you write on here… because I truly can’t stand the Ohio weather or Ohio “culture”, but man… you’re starting to sound like a bitch EVEN TO ME. how many times are you going to complain about THE EXACT SAME THING?

    yes, it’s rained a lot (in record) in certain parts of Ohio this year, and it’s probably going to rain a whole more. it fucking sucks. I read somewhere that it actually rains WAY more in NE Ohio than in Seattle. you have established that it is raining a lot. there is really no need to continue lamenting the obvious.

  73. Ohio sucks because it is a state of continuous speed traps. The State and Counties are so poor they have to pull over motorist for minor issues.

    I love the new “convenience tax” of $4.95 to pay online. It was so convenient for everyone that it cost $4.95 in labor to process????

    There are so many opportunities for Ohio’s governing bodies to reduce spending and stop taxing but they choose to continue to bleed their citizens dry!

  74. I have live in Toledo,ohio all my life untill last year when I moved to Las Vegas the best thing I ever done was move from that hell hole town.Iam better out going then when I lived in Toledo my hole look is much better iam more happy I found a job right a way I lost my job in 2008 could it find one at all after looking for two years I moved I could it stand the crime the shootings every night.Las Vegas is it just like any other town it’s not right for any one who loves the night life it’s 24/7unlike Toledo every one was in their house by 5:30pm. I love the people and the locals are very friendly and I love the tourism it’s something different every day iam never bored like in Ohio.The weather is awesome I can go for walks every day and vist the strip when not working and see the many sights and sounds of Las Vegas I can see the skyline from where I live I love the weather it’s so nice no more level three’s no snow to worry about we get snow but not that much it melts fast.Ohio will never change Toledo will never change it will be the same in ten years all this talk about the so called marina distrect crap won’t happen I still know what goes on from my family in Toledo will never be a tourist town we will never see it cause the so called leadership and the current mayor, Toledo is a small ass city it will never be a big city I don’t know why people even move to Toledo hell hole town high crime and no jobs is all you will get Ohio is it noted for anything good so why move here I don’t understand.Iam hoping to move to Las Angeles next year some time there is life outside of Ohio and Toledo you just have to find it.Las Vegas does have crime but not like in Toledo it’s not all they talk about.

  75. Summers here for the most part are great. Winters aren’t. I grew up on the NE coast. That has good points and bad. Then I lived in Fl. never did see the big deal about that state. It’s just the opposite of Ohio. The winters are nice the summers are awful not to mention the bugs. It depends where you live in Ohio what your opinion will be. It’s a funny state people are either really ignorant or very educated. It’s totally acceptable to say We was out and we seen Billy and he had no money. I’ve learned people don’t use the word any they insert no. That really bugs me. Having said all that there are still lots of places here that can be fun. Hey I’m older. I’m not searching for heaven on earth…at least on my budget.

  76. Occupy Toledo down to one lone person it just shows that Ohio does it give a shit about anything it’s a laugh and Toledo needs China to help them out in buying the marina distrect it’s never going to happen it’s still going to sit empty like it is know let’s have China just buy Toledo get the mayor out and the leadership out and let’s have China run the whole city maybe they can bring some life into into the dead city or even better have China buy Ohio might as well.I really don’t think Toledo really don’t give a shit about the occupy if there’s only one person Ohio is so sad know wonder people hate Ohio or even Toledo iam glad I left when I did you don’t see China buying anything in Las Vegas they just do things not half ass like in Toledo.

  77. I find listening to Gamma Binaural + Isochronic Pulse (40hz) to be very helpful. Perhaps Ohio is a low vibrational area geographically. It could explain the “tunnel thinking” or zombielike characteristics I observe in others, as well as feel in myself from time to time. In theory, it could be this, along with “infotainment”, chemical overload from diet, childish and paranoia inducing T.V. programming, and lack of sunlight and exercise. It could be Ohio lies in a magnetically weak or fluctuating zone, causing a herd mentality and resistance to change. (and bad weather) : )

  78. You ignorant lot of morons who keep dissing OH don’t know what you are saying. You do realize that everyone hates the state they live in, right? You all hardly have valid points at all and if you think other states are much better then you have to be retarded. I was born in Cleveland but moved to New Hampshire when i was a baby. My cousins, however, live in the suburbs outside of it and they seem to enjoy where they live. Let me tell you something: I think where i live now sucks more than OH would.

  79. It rains here allot, snows here allot. The only plus is that we don’t have shitty polluted air, rivers, or cities. Then again, we don’t even have any big cities (the biggest city in NH is only 112,000)so shut the hell up and stop bitching like a bunch of pouty pussies.

  80. I have lived in or near Toledo all of my life. It sucks big time. Everything from bad weather around 80% of the year to stupid ignorant aholes and a form of permanent depression. My family is working to get out soon and move somewhere less dreary, cold, and depressing. California or Colorado sound good. Anything but this shithole state.

  81. I hate Ohio and I hate the fact that I was away from here and got suckered into coming back. It’s hell on Earth. I am embarrassed that we have a shit ton of serial killers that came from here (Manson, Dahmer, That loser from Cleveland, and the Craigslist killer), then we have the ho that squirted breastmilk on cops (We are now famous the world over for white trash Thanks!). WTF? It used to be nice to live here. I started going to OSU and I’m Alternative to the “Alternative” kids going to school there because I don’t fall into the hipster/emo thing and I wear dickies and chuck taylors (West Coasted to the fullest Bitches). Whatever I hate the white bread aryan race “you can’t join my sorority” hos. Guys here make me want to vomit they are so lame. CD 101 is NOT a cool radio station. I listen to 91x from SD on line to stay sane!

  82. Ohio sucks.

    Maybe not Cincinnati as much, but probably. Anyways, I’ve lived in Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, and Northeast (Cleveland/Akron).

    YES – there is something that instills negativity and backwardness in these people.

    YES – There is every stereotype that could exist here, ignorant blacks and lily white rich people

    It’s funny, the lily white rich people don’t think there could be a black doctor and the black folk don’t think there could be a nice white person. It’s sad.

    It is depressing and I have a GREAT job and make good money; what’s that say for the seemingly hopeless people who don’t?

    The people are very judgmental and cliquish, and not altogether that intelligent. If a girl is thin and dresses nice, it’s as if she thinks she’s a model…well, in comparison the other pigs around here, I can SORT of see that. Otherwise girl, you’re not all that.

    I’ve lived across the US and am planning on relocating to a better place ASAP…I am one of the lucky ones as I have other places to compare Ohio (Cleveland) to and the means to be able to leave. It can’t be soon enough.

    For the morons saying “go ahead and leave” or “it’s not that bad” 1) I AM LEAVING, and 2) YES IT IS, I have 8 other cities to compare it to.

    Ohio sucks.

  83. Let me tell you a story. I was travelling in Singapore where I met a very lovely lady who had lived in Honolulu, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and most recently, Las Vegas. Her heritage is Chinese, Filipino, Hawaiian, and German.

    This young lady and I hit it off and, after meeting her family in Honolulu, I invited her to visit me before I left Ohio. The lady graciously said yes.

    While in Ohio, she wanted to go shopping so I took her to one of the malls around Cleveland. This particular mall is called Parmatown. It was going fairly smoothly until not one, not two, but three of the local stretch-mark laden/beer gutted/tobacco chewing inbreds came up to me and asked if my lady was “…from around here.”

    I responded, “No, she’s from Singapore.” Their response was, “That’s funny; ’cause she looks like a ‘gook’ or a ni**er.” That fool’s remark was the closet I came in 20 years to punching someone’s lights.

    I guess it’s good thing I didn’t as I probably would have landed in one of Ohio’s jails. Still, my lady [now my fiancee]and I left never to return.

    Tell me folks, did I do the right thing? What would you have done?

  84. Ohioans are the rudest and most unfriendly group of quacks I’ve never met.

    What is wrong in that state surpasses my imagination. If hell has a butthole Ohio is the gateway to diarrhea, people are so fucking weird that the hole state looks like a mental hospital.

    I had never had a friend in this state and I am friendly or at least people from other states think so!

    Ohio is hands down the most xenophobic and racist state I have ever come across. That a place like this still exists within a western democracy bugs my mind as a human been.

    Dude were else you find homosexual xenophobes that treat black men and outsiders inferior? Loool

  85. I grew up in this god-forsaken sewer drain, left for the military where I was spoiled with a life of travel and came back. UGH !!! After living in several coastal states as well as foreign countries I can’t believe I have lived in Ohio (again) since 1996. I must say it has changed, at least Central Ohio, since 1996 when we moved back. It used to be tollerable but its excruciating now. From the minivan-driving bimbos that can’t pry the cell phones off their head to the mega SUV drivers that own every road I seem to be traveling at the time I just want to die. Then there is the never ending ‘Buckeye Football’ season. God forbid someone not be a fan. There are two kinds of Buckeye fans, lard*sses and yuppies – both wear red with the latter wearing hats to ‘hide’ their baldness. At least they are both rude (and drunk)!
    Well I better stop complaining and go chip the winter ice from my sidewalk so I don’t get sued by my grumpy neighbor that never talks to me. One year until our youngest graduates then its onward west!
    If your young then leave now. If you just married in Ohio I have a house to sell.

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