To Porn or Not to Porn, That is the Question

A pal of mine attends a sex writers reading and a burlesque show, lives to tell the tale and invents an impromptu game on the spot: “I started playing a game with myself during the opening of the burlesque show, where I’d ask in my best inner announcer voice, if what was going on on the stage was Porn or anti-Porn. If you find it exciting (oops, almost wrote ‘arousing’ but my inner prude balked at that word) the answer is ‘porn’ and if its not, its ‘anti-porn.'”


  1. You wouldn’t believe the trouble this posting got me in. My new beau just googled my name, he found this post and he blew this way out of proportion. He understood from the term “attended” that I was a participatory writer, which I wasn’t, and you didn’t imply that either. I was all ready to write you an irate email, demanding that you get your facts straight. But now I don’t have to, because they are straight. Good job, Ed!

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