Woof Woof

Taking a cue from Hilary Clinton, Cherie Blair is set to write a memoir. In an effort to upstage Hilary’s infamous response-to-Monica in Living History and spawn sales, Blair will depict husband Tony as “a wild stallion who isn’t bad in bed, I’ll have you know. You should see the way he undulates.” Unfortunately, the memoir won’t attempt to explain why Tony Blair transforms into a lapdog whenever he visits Kennebunkport.

Something to ponder over on Monday, unless you’re an Evan Machem fan: A new study reports that schools are almost as segregated today as they were back in 1969. A new study by the Harvard Civil Rights Project reports that the percentage of blacks attending predominantly white schools has fallen to 30%.

An article from Gould’s Book of Fish author Richard Flanagan has helped to spawn a letter writing campaign to save the Tasmanian forests.

Sad news for anyone who’s ever collected twelve inches. The CD single’s to be phased out in three years. The hunt for quirky tracks and strange mixes will go the way of the dodo. Or possibly Dido.


  1. “Unfortunately, the memoir won’t attempt to explain why Tony Blair transforms into a lapdog whenever he visits Kennebunkport.”

    It’s because the U.K. is the only EU country that does not use the Euro. The U.S. and U.K. are terrified OPEC will go from pricing oil in USD to Euros.

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